Attacked by an animal ever?

3 posters
New Goth


Posts : 10

Did you ever get unlucky enough to get attacked my an animal? xD If yes, then do share your story here!

Personally, I've never got attacked by any animal yet but one of cousins once got attacked by a bunch of street dogs. Luckily he escaped.

The Raven

The Raven

Posts : 1330
Age : 31
Location : Wonderland
Job/hobbies : Programmer
I was attacked by a dog on the street because I was driving a bicycle and they love to chase. He got very near my leg but when i stopped the bike instantly and took off, he ran away.


Cole: "Phoebe I would do everything for you but don't ask me to be a coward".


Posts : 123
Age : 33

Thankfully I've never been attacked by an animal before, that's got to be one of the worse experiences especially if you can't outrun or out ride the animal.
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